From now on you can easily apply online.

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Current trade fair innovations

After 2 years of Corona abstinence, we were able to present new exhibition furniture live to our customers again this year.
Get inspired by a few selected fair furniture for your bathroom planning.
You and your customer are the driving force in the design of your own personal furniture.

Trade fairs

Industry meeting
directly fair for the SHK handicraft in Hofheim to 09.10.2024, Messecenter Rhine Main Wallau.

more info

Power Fairs

06. November 2024
Jovel Music Hall Albersloher Weg 54
48155 Münster

Register hereDownload flyer

Company vacation

Winter vacation from 23.12.2024 – 03.01.2025

Open vacancies

To strengthen our team we are looking for:

Sachbearbeiter/in Arbeitsvorbereitung

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Auszubildenden als Holzmechaniker (w/m/d)

We offer apprenticeships for every year

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Auszubildende als Industriekaufmann(frau).

We offer apprenticeships for every year

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Online application

Here you can conveniently apply online with us:

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